The Day I felt like TALKING to God

This was written by years ago.. approximately 3 years ago. It amazes me that my relationship with God has been different from a very long time.. This article is a good example! Do consider that this crude style of writing is one of those early days of my writing! Enjoy reading it, and also let me know your thoughts.

Please don’t think this article is some complaint letter to God or some expression of my devotion to God. I am not clarifying further on these thoughts, so in case you are still interested to read, please continue.

Today I felt like having a small chat with the God. Not because I am facing troubles. Of course I have troubles in my life as everyone in their life does. I just felt like treating God as a normal human being, like a friendly neighbor you just wave at, on the way.

My relationship with God has always been like the supplier -consumer relationship with me adjusting the prices, sometimes even experimenting barter system.

But today it’s different.

I want God to be present in my room now; just relaxing on my sofa and least bothered about anything. He, just sipping the coke with his legs stretched and I anxiously thinking of some good topic to chat with him.

This makes me wonder, why we don’t treat God in this way. God, no offense meant to you though!!! Agreed you are a higher being and we are the enlightened ones, on a journey towards you. But today, I want to treat you like a friend.

A friend, who would not speak much, but would have all the patience to hear my non stop chatter, my fears, worries and my problem,.

It’s not that God I want you to don the savior role again. I know you might be tired of doing it for me. I just want to empty my heavy heart. That’s all.

I know I am again depending on you. But I believe that’s what you are for, right?

God, I am feeling lonely, in spite of the assurances that I have heard.

Please help me, guide me to achieve peace.

And it was the same day that I did achieve peace! Whoa... It was a revelation. God has his unique ways of communicating( a dream this time)! he did bless me with peace, love and with an assurance that he is always listening to me and is with me always.


cheekymonk said...

God Speaking: Son, I don't drink colas. When you can grow upto to Old Monk Rum and think of the same way that I should be present with you, sipping my rum and chatting with you... thats when your wish can come true..

On that note, why do you think people drink heavy liqor, though they know its injurious to health?

Vijay on his path to self discovery! said...

Hahaha! I myself prefer the heavy drinks... I think you know that! Well.. I am just tryiong to be nice.. probably more sober! :p

aileen said...

I believe that it's one of the greatest things about God, he doesn't have to remain the being from far away that we could never reach. He can be our friend that we can talk to and would never get tired of listening because He cares. He knows us more that we know ourselves and we can be at peace knowing that He holds us at the palm of His hands....