One thing I don't like about me

On my path of self discovery, I realize that I have to overcome lot of my weaknesses. One of those is my inability to handle anger.
Exactly like the Instant coffee that you get to make. Immediately hot and instantly cold. For a second, I am brewing with anger and just dare to tease me at that moment and you'll see the ugliest side of me(I do have :D). And the irony is that it doesn't stay for long. I spit my anger on my loved one and immediately the next moment I regret it. And then my mind is filled with guilt and I am angry on myself for being such an idiot. I hate myself for saying things to that person and feel very bad for those sharp comments. Of course, I am myself surprised with my ability to be such a quick thinker and hitting exactly the bull's eye. Trust me, people have been brutally wounded. I then wonder why did I behave in that manner? Now, I think I have the guilt because we told in our childhood that expressing anger is bad and you should never be angry. I know the intention was to instill control over one's anger. But, today I think differently. I think one should express anger and should vent out their feelings completely. In my view, anger is like an atom bomb. Either suck it up or throw it out. Anyways it will explode. If you are not strong and you suck it up, then God save you. Be prepared for innumerable health problems. It will make you a boring person, and you might be holding grudges forever. If you throw it out, then, relationships are in trouble. Maybe you will lose a very good friend/relation. There is risk in both the ways.

What do you think? How do you handle anger?


cheekymonk said...

good topic. it tickles me the most and i laugh for long when i come across books called 'Control your Anger in 3 quick steps' and stuff.

its just another emotion of the hundreds of emotions that a human can give away. why does it has to be controlled? there could or couldn't be a reason for that anger. someone might or might not deserve that fire of anger.. true.. relationships break because of it sometimes. when it happens once, you sure are to realise and learn from it. but if its happening again and again.. watchout.. there are bigger problems than just controlling anger.

either way.. expressing anger is a good thing.. but just be a bit sensible in doing so. thats what i gotta say! :)

Vijay on his path to self discovery! said...

Thanks Anand! You truly echo the theme of that blog.