Thank you!

I never knew, I was never alone...
I never knew that I would be so happy ever again...
Your mere presence makes me happy,
I never knew someone could do that for me...
You made me feel me,
You made me realize my soul...
I feel I am again what I was...
And never to be worried for what I am
Never to be ashamed of what I am
But that I am a wonderful person.
You hardly speak much
Your peaceful serene and quiet smile says everything to me
Your presence in my life has changed me...
Changed to a human being who loves for what he is.
And I would continue to love myself.
Thank you for making these moments memorable.
Thank you.

Taare Zameen Par.. And tears in the eyes

A simply superb movie. Clean, true to its heart and very very close to reality. Thats 'Taare Zameen par' in short for you. Be prepared to re-experience your school days, those memories
which you normally would have forgotten by now.

The movie was an honest attempt by its team to bring people close to reality and thats just not it! It is just the beginning.

The story is about a 9 year old dreamy, creative and dyslexic boy, Ishaan, who enjoys being himself. The problem is, as per the societal norms, he is not performing well in his studies. Poor boy even remarks that "The letters are dancing, I can't read them!" and the teacher thinks it as ridiculous. That results in everyday scoldings & bad remarks from his teachers, constant comparison with his intelligent, all rounder elder brother, disappointed parents, humiliation and shameful remarks from his friends. The parents are unable to accept that their kid has some problem. Like every other parent, they can't see their child as called as "Mentally Challenged", which is not even the case in the story. One incident leads to another and in an attempt to bring discipline in him, they put him in a boarding school, where life is no different for the poor boy. The new change is: lack of his mom, family love and affection. Deeply impacted by the change, the boy stops painting(his solace and passion), stops even talking.
Enter the new temporary art teacher who immediately recognizes the shortcomings and the rest is how the teacher with Ishaan himself, bring a revolution in Ishaan's life.

The story looks too simple, but its presentation made my heart cry out many times. The story is not only about autism, but also about how insensitive we are turning to every child's emotions, their joys in this madness of competitive world. If permitted, I would have sobbed endlessly for all those moments. There are so many special moments in the movie like, how 3*9 is 3 for the kid because 3 is one planet, while 9 another and * represents a war between them and how 3 wins. Or how insensitive the teachers can become to any child's emotions. The movie also reflects deeply on how today's fathers need not play the same old definition of fatherhood. Being soft, gentle and loving makes a huge difference in a kid's life.

The best part of the movie is when the teacher is educating the entire class on autism through a story. Throughout the narration, Ishaan, along with the entire audience thinks its his story, while it turns out to be story of great people from history. That was really well crafted scene. Just explains subtly that all of us are special!
The role of Aamir khan is very special and today, we need teachers like his character, who are sensitive, strong, have interest towards children and their needs, who are interested in bringing out the specialty in each kid.

The music in the movie is apt and the Song, "Maa" just wringed out all the emotions from my heart. Acting is superb by the new child artist, Darsheel Safary, Aamir Khan and Tisca Chopra.
Overall a superb movie and a must for all parents. Great job Aamir!
Indeed, every child is special.

Me and my break-less bi-cycle

Hey guys... I think the holidays are definitely having an effect on me. Otherwise, I am quite immune to these bouts of nostalgic attacks. Anyways, back in my childhood, I used to hire the only bi-cycle (whose breaks never worked) which was owned by the only cycle store in our locality. During those days, an hour costed me Re.1.50. There was a unique thrill in riding that bi-cycle those days which apparently gave me a great sense of independence too. Although the seat cushion was bit torn, the paint on the cycle was quite faded with the most unreliable chain, I still great pride in owning(Always hired actually) that cycle.

So, that day when I was returning back home on that break-less cycle, when the cycle decided to act funny. I was wearing my favourite pair of trousers(The one and only pair) I owned in those days and suddenly I realize that its struck with the chain. The cycle had gained enough speed and I am unable to pedal further. I am not even able to stop the cycle in the middle of that heavy traffic. Beads of sweat soon trickled down and I knew I was doomed. The very thought of injuries was horrifying! I was praying hard for some quick miracle, when I saw a big fat aunty waddling her way on the road! Without giving another thought, I directed the bicycle towards her and just allowed the gravity to take over.

With one big fall, I crashed over the big and soft bodied aunty who was shocked and scared at the same moment. I was afraid of being slapped but I think she pitied my small, petite body. Out of anger she shouted and asked, "What is happening?" I replied in a meek tone that my pant was struck and could fumble out a "Sorry". Without giving her much time, I quickly picked up my bi-cycle and rode away.

Today when I share this incident with my trainees, we laugh our hearts out and pity on that fat aunty. But back then, I was relieved that I wasn't injured at all! I actually thanked God for sending that Aunty at the right moment!

Bus rides in the college days!

Something that I wanted to say for a pretty long time. It just happened that today morning, my cousin and I were discussing on some ideas for his multimedia project when this idea struck me. Bingo. I immediately thought of posting my experiences. Have you ever travelled in the RTC bus where the conductor doesn't mind shoving you in the dense crowd? Or those mindless senior citizens who don't mind sounding stupid when they force you to go inside the already crowded joint.

Man, back in my college days, watching a 16A bus approaching the bus stand (Rathifile Stop), could challenge every ounce of courage in my body.The very sight of that bus in the evenings would cause an uproar. My inability to catch a running bus would cause me to curse myself everyday and look down upon myself. Now when I think about those moments, it sounds so stupid and unnecessary.

Coming back to 16A, I believed and implemented on the philosophy that "Strength is in the mind, not the muscles" and used to act street smart! Never mind if you can't board a running bus, but at least your bag can! I used to take the biggest risk of my life by throwing my bag on the vacant seat in the running bus and then struggle to find a way inside the bus. Imagine, my assets in that bag: Rs.350 worth book on Computer Hardware and Rs.150 worth C++ book , the precious Rs.300 EDP book and an entire year's hard worked notes, all lying unattended in that bus. On top of that, the risk factor increases multi fold if the driver turns out to be a psycho, who wouldn't mind starting the bus before all the heavy aunties are safely parked in the bus.

My heart always pounded hard during these moments when your bag is inside and you are outside. The next step in the mission was to get inside the bus as quickly as possible. I am sure even Indiana Jones would have been afraid taking up this task looking at those determined and bone-strong uncles, whose sole purpose in life is to stop anyone getting inside the bus while they struggle amongst themselves to get inside. And to add to anybody's fury is the presence of those big butt and beer belly uncles who are too heavy to drag their body to the first step of the bus, and too strong for a feeble and not-so-strong guy like me to push them aside to get in. Being short and lanky always was an asset as it made my path inside the bus a little easier compared to others.If there was a competitor in this fight, God save the others, we would never mind flexing muscles of people to be inside before the other. At this time, I always prayed that the heavy bulldozers, a.k.a. Aunties take their own sweet time to board and the men in the rear end at least get time to get inside the bus.

Once you are able to get to the 1st step of the staircase, the goal becomes closer, yet toucher to reach. Why? There are 10 other(honestly, God-Promise) men who want to get in before you do. This fight is worse than a rugby game, where you (at least) have an opportunity to run away from the game. But here, when the warrior uncles have surrounded you by all sides and you have no alternative but to fight. In case you want to act humble and wait till everybody gets in, then be ready to wait for at least 2 hours before your patience breaks down and you accept the fact of life that its the same case with every bus and you finally jump in the crowd to get in. Anyhow you enter the bus successfully complete phase one of this long, enduring mission.

After boarding the bus, the next challenge is to locate the bag. I could sense every emotion of fear, anticipation, trauma during this faith testing time, where you would struggle to find your way to your bag. If some selfish dude (Of course who is as smart as you) decides to act smart, you can find that dude sitting on your rightfully(???) owned seat and holding your bag. Often, I would suppress my rage and travel the entire one hour journey standing and cursing the guy with murderous looks.

And sometimes, in a meek courageous tone, challenge the authority of the seat. Somehow, in this hard, laborious and sweating battle, where every centimeter of my shirt has turned into a crease, I sit down and feel triumphed.

I wait for the breeze(hot most of the times) to cool the jittery nerves and wait for the bus to finally move. After few long awaited moments, when the driver turns the key around, the sound of the bus starting is the best stress relieving music. You can actually hear all the uncles, aunties, wailing kids, college girls and sweaty men heave a sigh of relief. The bus starts on its own sweet pace, and in the jungle of heavy traffic, when the bus finally meanders its way out, you start easing into the seats. You start drifting into the sweet and much deserved sleep, waiting for the dreams to take over the reality. The warriors and ememies are no longer traveling with you, their faces morphing from cruel, fist crunching competitors to just the gullible, innocent aam janta who has completed one more day and waiting hard to hit the sack.

P.S. Photographs courtesy: and its members.Owners: zhengkun_li, ConfessionalPoet, preachercasy, izumiflowers fnmgkl in the order of the photographs' appearance

Holidays Ahoy!

Ever wondered why do we celebrate holidays every year? Why is it that all religions have some celebration reason? Take Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity or any other religion?
Of course, the word is HOPE. The hope that all of us deserve to be happy, deserve to be cheerful, feel good.
In this grit of life where you face challenges everyday, disappointments, problems and failures... It is a welcoming change to leave everything aside and just be joyful, happy and relaxed.
Its not necessary that you celebrate only the festivals designed by the religions... In fact in the 20th century, another religion emerged, which people failed to recognise as "RELIGION".It is the "WEEKENDS".
You work like a dog throughout the week and then you party like a manic. Celebrate every moment of the weekend. (Of course not all.. remember the hangover moments :D)
Well, coming back to the issue, lets keep that HOPE alive. Lets ensure that we don't forget that this life is also meant to be enjoyed. You have a heart, so enjoy.
In case you are unable to enjoy, just follow these instructions:
  • Take a deep breath.
  • Isolate yourself from this world, imagine you are at your favorite location.(It could be anywhere)
  • Take a deep breath again and feel the air. Feel the joy, visualize all your loved ones smiling and filled with happiness in their eyes.
  • Now open your eyes and you are already smiling.
No matter which religion(s) you follow, what is mandatory is that you have holidays, celebrate the festival and enjoy the day because "YOU DESERVE IT"
Enjoy the holidays.
P.S. The photo is by Ted.Sali on

One thing I don't like about me

On my path of self discovery, I realize that I have to overcome lot of my weaknesses. One of those is my inability to handle anger.
Exactly like the Instant coffee that you get to make. Immediately hot and instantly cold. For a second, I am brewing with anger and just dare to tease me at that moment and you'll see the ugliest side of me(I do have :D). And the irony is that it doesn't stay for long. I spit my anger on my loved one and immediately the next moment I regret it. And then my mind is filled with guilt and I am angry on myself for being such an idiot. I hate myself for saying things to that person and feel very bad for those sharp comments. Of course, I am myself surprised with my ability to be such a quick thinker and hitting exactly the bull's eye. Trust me, people have been brutally wounded. I then wonder why did I behave in that manner? Now, I think I have the guilt because we told in our childhood that expressing anger is bad and you should never be angry. I know the intention was to instill control over one's anger. But, today I think differently. I think one should express anger and should vent out their feelings completely. In my view, anger is like an atom bomb. Either suck it up or throw it out. Anyways it will explode. If you are not strong and you suck it up, then God save you. Be prepared for innumerable health problems. It will make you a boring person, and you might be holding grudges forever. If you throw it out, then, relationships are in trouble. Maybe you will lose a very good friend/relation. There is risk in both the ways.

What do you think? How do you handle anger?

Why the hell are you reading my blog?

Yes. Why the hell are you reading my blog? Of course the greatest piece of articles are not posted here. Hey... don't get me wrong. I am not angry/frustrated now and I am not venting out my anger through this blog. I got this thought today morning, "Why should people read my blog? I mean why should people be interested in my thoughts, opinions or emotions?" Honestly I currently think I am smaller than the atom is this universe, who God has provided with a strong body, God's master piece invention, the human brain, and blah blah blah. Everybody undergoes through problems, situations, experiences emotions. So, why should you be interested in my life?
Is it because you need that assurance you are not the only one who faces crossroads of decision making everyday? Or is it because you want to pity yourself thinking the entire universe is enjoying while you are not. Honestly, answer the following yourself. How many times did you care to read blogs when you were happy? If the answer is rarely, I think, you know the answer lies in my question. What do you say?

Sequel to my blog on Anti Piracy

Hey All
I found this interesting article at
It is interesting to note this point of view too.
Enjoy reading it.
Oh Shush, You Little **** Activist! Piracy is Good
That is what was said to me when I recently chided a female friend who called me to ask for a “free” version of a very popular (and expensive) image editing software! The verbal abuse did not ruffle me—I’m used to that—but her statement, “Piracy is good,” left me speechless.

A lot of muttering and stammering and hurled abuses later, things calmed down a bit and I got down to asking her how exactly piracy was good, and for whom.

“Not unless you buy me coffee and get me that software,” she teased. Long story short, I took her out for coffee, but made sure she got someone else to do her piracy work.

Here’s what transpired:
Me: So how can piracy be good? Good for you, yes, but not good for the poor developer or for our economy!

She: Nope. Piracy is good for the software developers themselves. I mean, it’s also good for me, but it’s a lot more beneficial to the big software companies.

Me: Oh really, how? Do you KNOW how many billions of US dollars of profit they lose because of piracy? It’s like 5 billion a year or something! (That was a complete shot in the dark!)

She: Sure, but how many billions more do they make with sales?

Me: Oh, that’s not a valid argument; it’s like saying that since 3 lakh Indians pay tax, why should the government want tax from the rest of the population?
She: No, taxes are different. You have to pay them, but when it comes to software, I don’t have to use it; I could choose to be like you and not use paid software at all!

Me: So why don’t you?
She: Because I’m keeping the balance of good and evil in the world! What do you think, dummy? It’s because there are popular software that are easy to use and the not-so-popular freeware that are a lot harder to get used to! I like to keep it simple.

Me: So piracy is justified for you because you’re lazy?
She: No. Piracy is justified for me because I want to use the same software at home as I do at work. My company will not buy me a copy for home, so I pirate it!

Me: Wha… huh… umm… that’s the most idiotic thing I’ve heard! Why can’t you just use logic and listen to what you’re saying!
She: What I’m saying is logical. You just cannot grasp my logic. Perhaps you should buy us a couple of coffees more and I will waste another half hour of my time trying to put this in baby talk.

Me: (Mumbled) ****####*******
She: Now get the coffee or I’m going back to my office!

Me: *sigh*
10 minutes later…

She: (slurps another free coffee and continues) Ok look; can you tell me why software companies have not made un-crackable software products till date?

Me: Because they can’t, but they will probably be able to do so soon enough!
She: Wrong! They haven’t because they just do not want to! Do you seriously believe that they couldn’t, at the least, make it a lot harder to crack software? I mean, how come a crack or patch is available in a week from when the software is released? There has to be more than just a simple “they cannot” answer to this.

Me: No, it’s because software is made by humans and thus it is crackable by humans!
She: Oh come on, don’t be so naïve. Look at the bigger picture!

Me: There’s a bigger picture? I thought software vendors losing billions of dollars was the bigger picture!
She: Fine! Let me use an example to make you understand!

Me: Oh this ought to be good…
She: Shush! Ok, let’s say Microsoft makes a Windows version that is un-crackable. Let’s say it’s Vista for this example. What happens then?

Me: Everyone buys Vista?
She: Nope, a lot of people start using Linux! Lindows, SuSE, Ubuntu, you choose.

Me: It’s Linspire!
She: Oh whatever, correct all the little mistakes if you wish, but that’s the truth! Seriously, consider how so many people today have at least tried a Linux distro—live or dead! Don’t you think they’d either just stick to using a pirated version of Windows XP, or just use a newer Linux distro?

Me: Umm… maybe. But we’re talking majority here, not the minorities.
She: Minority? Why do you think so lowly of us? I’m no techie, but even I’ve installed Ubuntu and tried it out. Sure, some things I just could not fathom, but for my kind of work it really made no difference what OS I was running! I found to be just as simple to type out reports in as Microsoft Office!
Me: True, I use it too.

She: See!

Me: No, I don’t see!
She: Typical! Why can’t you use your imagination a bit? Think of what would happen if I started using GPL software only at home… Take your own example… don’t you use the same software at office as you do at home?

Me: Err… yeah, so?
She: Well, now imagine the whole world doing that! We’d have open source software being used at home and at work—after all, companies would love to save money on software, wouldn’t they?

Me: OK! So a lot of people start using open source software. How’s that bad?
She: It is if you’re a “paid” software developer!

Me: Ouch!
She: Aha, hallelujah, hallelujah! Let there be light, God proclaimed, and took a coffee break to rest her tired self.

Me:Her? Oh never mind! (*pout*)
She: Aww, the pwwoohh baby lost an argument!

Me: (muttered bad words)
She: OK! I’m going back to office. Let’s do this again sometime!

Me: (mutter) Let’s not!
That was the last time I was going to argue with a stock market analyst!

As I dejectedly stomped my way back to my office, the logic she had used to reach her conclusion started to sink in. It’s not like I believe her and will now start pirating software, but I do think she has a point. I know that despite losing the debate, software piracy is still bad, and against the law, but I cannot help but wonder how beneficial it’s been to big software development companies. Sure the smaller guys stand to lose everything because of piracy, but then again, since when have smaller companies not risked everything?

Though I haven’t found the answer—and I doubt anyone will ever have concrete evidence to ever prove it either way—I now have a possible answer to the question, “Is piracy good?”

I Miss you... with a smile

A dedication to my best friend when she had to leave me and go.

Where are you?

Where is the peaceful smile that always enchanted me?

Where are the naughty eyes who always teased me?

Where are you?

Please don’t think I am crazy for you

Its not even love, for sure!

Its not that I can’t live without you!

It is not even that I am lonely in my life

I still enjoy my life,

I still manage to smile every day,

But I have a void in my life

That will never be filled by anyone

Except for YOU.

I still don’t depend on anyone.

I have always moved on,

Accepting everything, that was given to me or taken aback.

But today I am unable to accept that life took you back from me.

So Oh Holy, Almighty life;-D

Please gift her back.

And my dear friend,

Please come back to me

Coz my life doesn’t mean complete without your presence,

Coz you made my day everyday,

And also coz you are my friend.

Please fill back the void in my life.

You may call me mean,

Or call me selfish,

I never care,

But my dear friend,

Please come back,

I miss you, of course with a smile, as promised!

The Day I felt like TALKING to God

This was written by years ago.. approximately 3 years ago. It amazes me that my relationship with God has been different from a very long time.. This article is a good example! Do consider that this crude style of writing is one of those early days of my writing! Enjoy reading it, and also let me know your thoughts.

Please don’t think this article is some complaint letter to God or some expression of my devotion to God. I am not clarifying further on these thoughts, so in case you are still interested to read, please continue.

Today I felt like having a small chat with the God. Not because I am facing troubles. Of course I have troubles in my life as everyone in their life does. I just felt like treating God as a normal human being, like a friendly neighbor you just wave at, on the way.

My relationship with God has always been like the supplier -consumer relationship with me adjusting the prices, sometimes even experimenting barter system.

But today it’s different.

I want God to be present in my room now; just relaxing on my sofa and least bothered about anything. He, just sipping the coke with his legs stretched and I anxiously thinking of some good topic to chat with him.

This makes me wonder, why we don’t treat God in this way. God, no offense meant to you though!!! Agreed you are a higher being and we are the enlightened ones, on a journey towards you. But today, I want to treat you like a friend.

A friend, who would not speak much, but would have all the patience to hear my non stop chatter, my fears, worries and my problem,.

It’s not that God I want you to don the savior role again. I know you might be tired of doing it for me. I just want to empty my heavy heart. That’s all.

I know I am again depending on you. But I believe that’s what you are for, right?

God, I am feeling lonely, in spite of the assurances that I have heard.

Please help me, guide me to achieve peace.

And it was the same day that I did achieve peace! Whoa... It was a revelation. God has his unique ways of communicating( a dream this time)! he did bless me with peace, love and with an assurance that he is always listening to me and is with me always.

Say no to Piracy... But how?

Say no to piracy is the first video that I come across for any movie CD/DVD that I hire from my neighborhood Video rental store. The question is how? Although a good amount of money is invested by the Film Industry to publicise this message, but have they ever wondered how would the audience manage?
Come on.. Lets get down to the basics. There are so many people, like me, who would not like to have pirated versions of the music and Films. and are even ready to shell down some money. But then... how do we manage to get what we want. The point I am trying to drive across is, "How do I get it?" The winning point of this war between piracy versus anti-piracy is "ACCESSIBILITY"
Let me explain through my recent experience. The music for Om Shanti Om was releasing on September 15th 2007. In my war against Piracy, I sincerely went to the nearest Odessey Store in Hyderabad Central to buy the ACD and lo! The cd is not yet available. I have repeatedly asked for the ACD in the Audio/Video rental stores, in a hope that they might have.. but no. and search for the same song in limewire and within 3 seconds, I get more than 27 results.
What does that mean?
Just imagine if I had the song that I wanted, would I have searched for the same on Limewire?
If the things that audience wants is accesible to them as easy as the pirated stuff, I am sure there are thousands of people, who dont mind spening a few extra rupees to buy the original ones.
What do you think?


Today I saw this hilarious comedy called "Transmerica" which in my view is a fine classic film. The film is a story of a male-to-female transsexual, Bree who is about to get surgery to become a biological female when she gets a phone call about her teenage son in jail. Bree is shocked as well as worried as her unknown son's sudden existence causes her surgery to be postponed. Now Bree has to prove that her son is not dependent on her. So Bree who is living like a female, goes to NY to release him on bail. She realises that her son not only has lost his mother, but is also a drug addict and prostitute on the streets. The twist in the tale is Bree doesn't reveal her identity (gender and relationship) to him and he takes her as a missionary worker. Then starts a beautiful journey from NY to CA as Bree has to drop her son to his Step Dad. The journey forms the crux of the movie where they have their moments and finally how they accept the truth!

The movie is intelligently directed and has a very strong script. Never ever does the movie leave the viewer with a dull moment and makes every scene either hilarious or thought provoking!
There are some really funny moments like Bree's fear for insects and how they eventually end up camping on ground in a forest Or the pee moments with the toilet paper waiving whenever Bree is walking in the woods Or when Bree is trying to steal a tip in a restaurant Or she impulsively and dramatically reacts to a bail charge of 1$ by saying she cant afford it or how Bree struggles to be assertive with her son and fails miserably. They have been plotted carefully and interestingly. There are soft situations too.. Like Bree's constant fear that people think she is a man or when her son is sexually attracted to Bree or when there is a tiff between Bree and her parents on her sexuality. Overall the movie is fantastic and both Bree (Felicity Huffman, Desperate Housewives) and the son (Kevin Zegers) should be appreciated for their acting. Kevin played the role to the perfection, playing the drug addict, aloof teenager having the "I don't care" attitude to Bree's pleas, with ease. And Felicity was icing on the cake. Perfectly played the role with her picture perfect expressions(watch her in the poster attached) and supporting voice modulation! Kudos to the entire team of Transamerica.
Hope you guys enjoy viewing it.
Let me know your thoughts.

Thank you

I never knew, I was never alone...
I never knew that I would be so happy ever again...
Your mere presence makes me happy,
I never knew someone could do that for me...
You made me feel me,
You made me realize my soul...
I feel I am again what I was...
And never to be worried for what I am
Never to be ashamed of what I am
But that I am a wonderful person.
You hardly speak much
Your peaceful serene and quiet smile says everything to me
Your presence in my life has changed me...
Changed to a human being who loves for what he is.
And I would continue to love myself.
Thank you for making these moments memorable.
Thank you.

HUTCH : "Wherever Hutch is... its trouble follows!"

Man! What a horrible experience at the Hutch Showroom. No organised approach at all. When the customers are trickling in, there are only 2 Cust. reps attending instead of standard 5. "Lunch break saar" is the response that I got. And my anger flared when a foriegner walked in, without taking a token, approached for the service. To add to my fury, he wasted around 30 minutes of mine as he was being serviced instead of me!
God. after the supposedly 5-10 minutes of wait, as suggested to me (but my watched showed 30 precious minutes of my life passed by in a horrible wait), I was finally presented with a plastic yet pleasant smile and a willingness to help. But but but.... Can these people manage things without screwing up? Apparently they were running short of good SIMS! Imagine Hutch Showroom has loads of defaulty SIM! Its raining hard, I desperately need my connection and the CSR irked me by saying, "Sir, Could you please go to the Sec-bad Hutch shop and take a SIM there?" I blatantly refused stating, I need the connection now and lo... magically a SIM appeared which seemed to work!

Then I had to wait for horrible 10 more minutes to pay my bill, although I was the only person waiting to pay. Why? The officer is in the Loo! Are there no substitutes?

My demand for a Feedback form went and hit the wall instead of anybody's ears as there are no feedback forms available. I wonder if they even created a feedback form?

I sincerely want to withdraw the services offered by HUTCH as :

  1. Regular disconnection due to poor network services
  2. Extremely poor customer service provided. Walk inside the showroom and be welcomed by the Horrible long waits. Question: Why do the CSR take such long to resolve each query? Efficiency vs Effectiveness
  3. No coordination between the customer Care and Hutch Shops (Rules change from place to place)

I am wondering if we should ban Hutch completely for taking its customers for granted and providing such poor service.

If we continue to have the "Chalta Hai" attitude, guys, be prepared for conitunued bad services from these service providers, who suck the hard earned money out of you, to return back endless waits, tortures andbad bad care.

What does Hutch has to say on this?

The Horse Whisperer - My experience

The book that I just finished was extremely touching. The plot is a very tightly knit story about the wounded soul of a mother, a daughter and their Horse which is experiencing physical trauma. As the horse is the only straw left for the mother to save her child's spirit and their relationship, she decides to approach the Horse whisperer to treat the horse, never realising that the whisperer soon whispers words of love and affection between the mother and daughter. Their relationship which was estranged and dry soon blossoms into a loving one, thanks to the lovely supporting characters, who gradually build on the self esteem and confidence of the little girl. Meanwhile, the mother who is a corporate hotshot, finds time for herself and her daughter, never realising that she is gradually falling in love with the Horse whisperer himself. The romance between them is well written, leaves the reader wanting more romantic encounters between the two. The flow of the story is extremely natural and some of the moments of the story are very well written. Especially the one when the mother cries her heart out at the soldier's memorial and feels the pain. The strange fact about the story is that the Horse whisperer is sketched as a God, always giving, not having a flaw in himself, living the life to the fullest. Maybe, we need more Horse whisperers in our lives to turn the spirit of emotions back. The ending is tragic and leaves the readers shocked and feeling helpless at the situation and the mean heartless way the author ends the tale. Brought a tear in my eye. Hope you guys enjoy reading the book. I suggest you to!